Welcome to the Nuku Ora Annual Report!

Scroll down for an exciting snapshot of the milestones, achievements, and key statistics from the 2023/2024 financial year. You’ll discover the outcomes and progress of some of our key initiatives and mahi aligned with our three strategic priorities. These are brought to life through impact stories from the communities we serve, showcasing how we’re working towards our 12-year strategic goal: improving hauora and wellbeing for individuals, whānau, and communities through increased physical activity.

If you are looking for previous Annual Reports click here 

On behalf of the Board, it is my pleasure to present the Nuku Ora Annual Report for 2023/ 2024.

This past year can be characterised as a time of change and as it is for others in our sector, a time of confronting the challenges inherent in our operating environment. In the face of ongoing change, I am proud of the progress we have made across the many programmes of work we oversee. 

Click here To continue reading the CEO Report

Regional Participation Landscape

Nuku Ora uses research and insights to help identify communities that may face barriers to being active. We also assess current participation rates and explore the types of physical activity people engage in and may want to pursue in the future. This combined data informs our operational approach, guiding our initiatives and programmes to effectively support and engage with the communities we serve.

These insights were gathered through the ActiveNZ survey, conducted between January 2023 and January 2024, across the greater Wellington region.

Click here for a visual representation of the Regional Participation Landscape highlighting key changes in physical activity levels 

A Community-led Development Approach

Here at Nuku Ora, we drive change by prioritising the needs of communities and ensuring our work is people centred. We achieve this through local insights, identifying local strengths, and understanding local aspirations. Thanks to NZCT, we have been able to provide significant financial support to geographical priority communities, contributing $148,274 to Porirua and $107,611.96 to Lower Hutt for community-led initiatives. The following video showcases how empowering local organisations to offer physical activity opportunities helps them achieve their unique goals, leading to a positive community impact.

Click here to see  Empowered Porirua Community empowered


Some of our mahi under Strategic Priority 1 - Shifting the barriers

Some of our mahi under Strategic Priority 2 - Shift the quality



Some of our mahi under Strategic Priority 3 - Shift the system

Statement of Service Performance and Financial Statments 

Alongside financial information, a key feature of the new reporting standards is the inclusion of non-financial information through the Statement of Service Performance (SSP). The SSP provides important context for the financial report, highlighting the incredible mahi Nuku Ora has achieved throughout the year.

Click here to View Our Statement of Service Performance 

Click here to View Our Financial Statements

Tēnā tatou katoa

As I reflect on my first year as Chair, and the work and achievements of Nuku Ora over the past year, I find much to acknowledge and celebrate – particularly the way the organisation has approached and managed significant change.

Click here To continue reading the Chair Report

Click here To read our Governance Statement

For a printable version of this annual Report click here