Fundamental movement skills are important to the motor development of children’s physical, cognitive, and social growth. There are four categories in which the fundamental skills fit for under-fives: Stability and Balance, Manipulative, Locomotor, Movement and Body Awareness. For over-fives we just focus on stability and balance, manipulative and locomotor skills, as we would hope they have a good awareness of their body by then.
Stability and Balance
Stability skills relate to the body’s ability to gain or maintain balance, either when still or moving.

0-5 Years Activity Ideas

5-12 Years Activity Ideas
Manipulative skills are the skills we need for moving balls and objects around.

0-5 Years Activity Ideas

5-12 Years Activity Ideas
Locomotor skills require moving from one location to another e.g. crawling, walking, running, jumping, skipping etc.

0-5 Years Activity Ideas

5-12 Years Activity Ideas
Movement and Body Awareness
Movement and body awareness is the understanding of "what my body is like and how I move with it."

0-5 Years Activity Ideas
Equipment Ideas
Ideal equipment that can be used with young children
Activities using Specific Equipment
Beanbags Hoops Hot Spots Jungle Gym Scarves