Healthy Active Learning Term 4 Update 2024
23 December 2024

Tēnā koutou, Healthy Active Learning whānau. Nau mai, haere mai ki te pānui tuawhā o te tau 2024.
Just like that, another year is almost over! This newsletter provides highlights from three full day wānanga opportunities, including our most attended workshop to date.
We are delighted to secure a further four years of Sport New Zealand investment for Healthy Active Learning to continue in your schools and communities. In the new year, we hope to welcome two new facilitators to our team and will be sharing our full list of workshop offerings for 2025. Our focus will continue to strengthen Hauora, through quality movement experiences that aligns with your strategic priorities, school values and achievement challenges.
In the meantime, we hope you enjoy the end of year school celebrations and have a fulfilling summer break with your whānau and friends! Noho ora mai.