Nuku Ora/College Sport Wellington Summer Sports Student Coaching workshop
23 February 2024

Growing Student Coaches Confidence
Close to 100 student coaches took the opportunity to attend the Nuku Ora/College Sport Wellington Summer Sports Student Coaching workshops last week. For 85% of those attending, this was the first training they had been given to coach teams at their schools. As schools and sports rely more and more on student coaches, training and preparing these first-time volunteer coaches is critical so that they have a good experience, and their participants subsequently have a good experience!
In the morning session, the students learnt about the ‘how’ of coaching which was then followed in the afternoon by the ‘what’ with specific activities for the sport that they are coaching.
There was a lot of energy, learning and laughter across the day which was reflected in the feedback that was received. One attendee summed it up, “I love how it opened my mind to different aspects of a good coach. It helped me understand what trainees want and how we keep them engaged.”
At the end of the day the students were asked if the workshop had given them more confidence to coach and 85% said that it had with. A number of reasons were given for this, including, “I now know that what I have been doing is the right thing and I now have a few more tricks up my sleeve.”
A big thank you to the students for giving up their time to learn along with Mark Harris and Adam our Coach Developer facilitators. Connol at Capital Football, George at Touch NZ and Theo and Kane from Wellington Regional Volleyball Association. A big thanks also to the schools for their continued support of this programme.
New Extension Course!
Student coaches of winter sports codes will be able to access this great opportunity at Te Rauparaha Arena on 7 May and at Walter Nash Stadium on 9 May.
This year, Nuku Ora and CSW are also looking to provide an extension course for those that have attended the workshop previously.
Look out for registration details via Sports Coordinators, CSW & Nuku Ora social media posts!